The Shortest (but not the least) Month--February Updates

Hello friends! I am so excited to share some updates with you and have you be a part of what is going on at our TWU Dallas and SMU campuses! Overall, I am feeling so tremendously blessed this month and have loved watch God provide immensely at our FOCUS campuses across the metroplex!

I have been so encouraged by how I have seen God providing financially for our students going to SICM, our Student Institute of Campus Ministry training this summer. Spring Showcase, our annual concert was a huge success! We raised over 20,000 dollars, all of which will go towards helping potential student leaders go to SICM! And I know many of you were part of making that possible, so a HUGE thanks to you! We also have had several students who have asked churches, family members and even their universities for funds, and God has provided ten times over!! Our Father is a generous giver and I have gotten to be reminded of that in a powerful way this past month and it has been so encouraging! 

Check out some pictures from Showcase if you weren't able to go! 

Albert and I at Spring Showcase!

I also just found myself being so grateful that our ministries are growing and that new people are being introduced to Jesus and our community on a regular basis. There have been 5 new students at TWU Dallas that have started FOJ studies this semester and are learning about God's word and what it looks like to live like a disciple. We had an international student come to TNF at SMU two weeks ago who heard the gospel for the first time! We have growing student leaders (including some freshman!!) who are now going out and studying the bible with other students on campus! I have seen new people coming to our Plano church we started a few months ago and find God and community for the first time. And all this reminds me that God is powerfully at work in His world and in His people. It can be so easy to get a narrow perspective and focus on the evil, broken and hurting parts of this world and think that's the whole story. But I think that there have been moments this month where God has allowed me to see glimpses into His eyes- into kingdom eyes- where I see the work that He is doing that it's eternal and will last beyond this world and even my life. 

I would invite you to think about how you have seen God working in your life and the lives of those around you. And how you can respond to God's invitation to work alongside him. 

Richland joined SMU for TNF and it was so good!

Worship with Richland!

Plano Church!

This month, we are going to be having Western Washington students come to spend a week with us and do ministry on our campuses in DFW! It is so cool that there are students in Washington that would spend their spring break to come to a new place and serve God by meeting new students on our campuses and sharing Jesus with them!! That's the kingdom!

Please pray for safe travels and that they would get to share Jesus with students on campus and hearts would be turned to Christ! 

Thank you all so so much for your generous hearts and your passion for campus ministry! You are a part of the work God is doing our campuses! Thank you!


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