Exciting Updates for August and Prayer Requests!

 Hello Everyone! August has already been packed with God doing so many cool things and there is only more to come! Let's jump right in!

We just got back from staff retreat this past Thursday and it was so restful and sweet to get to be with our entire staff for a couple days. We had so much fun playing in the pool and doing some amazing karaoke (we have some talented staff people hah!). But we also spent time worshiping and discussing the repetitive theme in scripture of dying to ourselves, with the catalyst being because Christ first died for us. One of the scriptures we focused on was Galatians 2:20 that says, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." This was a powerful reminder, especially upon entering ministry this school year, that I need to daily die to myself and live by faith hidden in Christ. In those moments I get tired and want to turn inward and give way to selfishness or even negativity, I am reminded that my life has been crucified to Christ and the powerful image of Christ giving His own life on the cross spurs me on to continue to daily live for God's kingdom and not for myself. I left staff retreat feeling encouraged and excited for the next thing to come- SICM!

(But first, some quick photos from staff retreat!)

Today our staff and students leave for SICM, our Student Institute of Campus Ministry Training at Camp Eagle. Here, our student leaders will learn how to be disciples on their campuses and be given tools that will help them lead small groups, one on one bible studies, do evangelism on campus and understand what it means to foster a lifelong relationship with God and be an active disciple. I'm so excited to see how God will use this next week to give our students a vision for building God's kingdom on campus and then getting to go out and do it just that in just a few weeks after!

Once we get back from SICM, things will really kick into gear. We will be starting welcome-week activities and doing outreach at SMU by the 18th that will extend for the next three weeks. And at TWU Dallas, we will begin welcome week and be on campus starting on the 23rd! Not only that, our other campus teams are going to be planting 5 new campuses! Needless to say, we need your prayers through all of this!

Will you commit along with me to pray daily for 3 weeks for God to use this season to grow our impact on the campus and empower us to reach and bless more students than ever before?

Thank you all for your continued prayerful and financial support. Knowing that we go into this next year with your support and excitement for campus ministry truly is a blessing and encouragement!


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