Fall Ministry Updates

 Hello Everyone! I hope you've been enjoying this cooler weather as much as I have! And also loving that we are finally in Fall! I got new fall themed kitchen towels just for the occasion haha! 

But in all seriousness, it is wild to think how far into the semester we are and how much God has done since I last wrote to you all! We started off the semester with a bang, meeting more students than we ever had at welcome week and having a ton of students coming to cores. And praise God, most of those students have continued to stick around! I see them forming deep friendships with students in our community and growing in their understanding and relationship with God. Even students who are learning about Jesus for the first time have been so excited to do bible studies, be a part of small groups and have expressed they feel deeply loved by everyone there.

Our theme this year is "Life to the Full" where Jesus says in John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." I truly believe that Jesus offers life to the full and I pray that our community would be a place that our students, old and new, would experience fullness of life in God's kingdom. I would love your partnership in prayer that we would 1) be people who experience life the the full in Jesus but also that 2) collectively as a ministry, we would embody fullness of life in Christ for the whole campus to see. 

I also want to take a moment to honor our student leaders, at both at SMU and TWU Dallas. They have all worked so hard this semester to befriend and love these new students and point them to Jesus. For those of you who don't know, our student leaders set aside many hours each week leading small groups, 1:1 bible studies, coming to leader meetings and our weekly worship nights. They have been so faithful to set aside time in college that they could be spending on themselves to invest back into the lives of college students in order to fulfill Jesus' call to make and mature disciples. If there is anything that encourages me in ministry, it is them! Please be praying for God's hand of protection over them from anxiety, stress, sickness and for strength and perseverance to continue doing this good work! Without them, in many ways we couldn't do what we do on campus. 

Lastly, we have Fall Camp this weekend for SMU and Fall Retreat for TWU Dallas the following weekend! These camps are really important to foster deeper friendships among our students and to worship and learn about God together while getting out of the city for a time. Can you join me in praying this week that God's Spirit would be at work during both of these weekends to move in students hearts, refresh them with God's presence and to build meaningful and long lasting relationships with one another? Already I'm excited and expectant for what God is going to do at camp. For SMU we have double the amount of students signed up that we've ever had- praise God! I will update you soon on how it went and what God did!

Thank you all again for your continued support in our ministry. Your investment and belief in the vision of campus ministry is truly a daily encouragement to me! I pray the Lord blesses you and keeps you safe! Take some time to check out some picture updates from ministry!

Some of our students at Fall Festival last week!

Laura (one of our students), Albert and I at Fan Expo (big convention for movies/shows)

One of our Thursday Night Fellowships from this past month! So cool that we fill our entire chapel now!

Students together at family weekend

Students at an after Thursday Night Worship "Art in the Dark" event!


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